
  • What are your delivery options/costs?

    We ship worldwide! See our full list of delivery options, costs and timings here.
  • How long will it take for my order to be delivered?

    Delivery timescales can be found here. All orders are picked and packed 7 days a week, and are dispatched Mon-Fri (excluding Bank Holidays). Express/Premier Delivery orders placed on a weekend are dispatched the next working day, Mon-Fri (excluding Bank Holidays). If your order has not arrived...
  • Who pays customs fees?

    There are no hidden charges or fees! What you pay at the checkout is inclusive of any duties or taxes (where applicable). Enjoy your shop with none of the hassle or stress!
  • Can i track my order?

    Of course! We'll send your tracking info by email once your order has been shipped.
  • What if i haven't received my order yet?

    If your order hasn't arrived within the expected timescale, please send your query and order number to or via our Contact Form found here and we'll look into this for you 🕵️‍♀️
  • Why weren't my shipping costs refunded?

    As outlined within our returns policy, customers are liable for the cost of return shipping and any additional charges incurred, unless faulty or sent in error.
  • How does Premier Delivery work?

    What is Premier Delivery? Premier Delivery is a rolling, annual subscription service which once purchased, unlocks the following perks: ✓ Unlimited delivery ✓ Next-day delivery* ✓ No minimum spend ✓ £££ saved in just two orders! How do i use it? - You need to be a registered Disturbia custome...
  • Where is my packing slip?

    We've recently gone paperless for all of our orders! Please check your email confirmation for your order number and summary of your items, and then head to our returns page to start your return or exchange.